Sauna stoves and accessories


Showing 1–24 of 159 results

12l tub with plastic liner

Wooden sauna tub 12 litres. Made of oak, with plastic insert and lid. With stainless steel hoops, durable and long-lasting.…

Basalt cardboard with foil

9.00 10.00
Folijinis bazaltinis kartonas yra efektyvi šilumą izoliuojanti medžiaga. Folijuotą bazaltinį kartoną lengva pjaustyti, pjaustyti ir klijuoti neorganiniais klijais. Pagal pagrindines charakteristikas, tokias kaip šilumos laidumas,…

Basalt heat-insulating cardboard

8.00 9.00
Used for: - ceilings, ceilings between floors; - walls and partitions; - as filler for wooden floor joists.…

Corrugated pipe 3/4, 1 m.

Stainless steel corrugated pipes for plumbing systems. The corrugated surface of the pipe makes it easy to absorb thermal expansion without the risk of deformation and…

Door “Bamboo” (right)

The glass door is made of high-strength tempered glass, making it safe and secure. The door frame is made of high-quality wood. Doors are supplied…

Doors “Bronze matt”

The glass door is made of high-strength tempered glass, making it safe and secure. The door frame is made of high-quality wood. Doors are supplied…

Frosted glass, satin doors

Door opening - left The glass door is made of high-strength tempered glass, making it safe and secure. The door frame is made of high-quality wood.…

Frosted glass, satin doors “Bamboo”

Door opening - left The glass door is made of high-strength tempered glass, making it safe and secure. The door frame is made of high-quality wood.…

Heat and moisture resistant panel (various patterns)

Faspan's fire-resistant fibre cement panels are in the highest fire-resistance class A1 (NG) for non-combustible materials, and are non-deformable in contact with water, impact-resistant, rot-resistant…